Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's been a while since I've had a Very Small Person in my house - however today Ronan (Ronan, Ronan, Ronan on the River) and his mum came to visit.

God, little people are CLASS.  They get to be stupid and jump around and have snotty noses and laugh when you fart and that is all ENCOURAGED. 

Anyway, last time he came to visit, having been pre warned, I was able to get suitable 3 year old person treats in (as opposed to beer and vodka, mummy and daddy treats, and wholly inappropriate at 9am), however, having the memory of an Elephant, he asked for "something special".  Which sort of put me on the spot. 

He wasn't keen on a tin of red curry tuna, or indeed a bottle of dried italian herbs.  But I scared the living crap out of him with an onion that had sprouted a small tree.  I really should clean out my pantry more.  Do you know how much mileage we got out of that onion?  Hours!!  So for my hallowe'en costume I am going to be a red onion with a huge yellow growth coming out of my head.

In other news, my lungs are still sore and breathing and coughing are still competing so still no running.  That's TWO WEEKS.  I think that is the longest I have ever not run since getting the old running bug.  I had NO DESIRE to run over the last couple of weeks but I am starting to think longingly about it again, so must be on the mend.   I am not sure where this leaves my Grand Plan but I guess I will just ease back into it and see how it goes.  Life is very different when I am not running, and I don't actually like it.  Running early means I have to be in bed early, and therefore keeps me out of mischief at night.  With no running to get up for, bedtime has been later and I have been watching telly (although I have to say, DVDs of the entire series of Black Books constitutes GOOD TV as opposed to the shite that is on the commercial channels) - and my work laptop died - so whilst I was on a roll being cranked up by cold and flu tablets, my creative genius was stifled by lack of tools!!  Anyway, next week is boot camp for work and play - no staying up late, early morning walks if running is still too hard, and no bloody gin and pepsi max in a tall glass with two ice cubes......

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