Sunday, January 23, 2011

Solution to Banjaxed Achilles...

Well, my achilles treatment involved a week in Fiji in flip flops, the best calf massage I ever had in my life and a lot of Fiji Gold.  Oh, and no running.  And miraculously, it is better.

I also learnt a lot in Fiji.  I learnt that Pedicures aren't for me, nor is Fiji style braiding and don't put a lot of sunscreen on before a banana boat ride with colleagues.  All that slipping off and not being able to get back on can get embarrassing.  I think the pedicure lady was ready to ask me to leave, nobody told me they took a brillo pad to the soles of your feet and rubbed at all the giggly bits until you are ready to wet your pants.  Nor was I informed before this supposedly relaxing pursuit that they have little dentist-like implements and they cut you with them.  My foot was inadvertantly kicking at this poor lady meanwhile Karina, who had brought me to this torture and lied to me telling me it was very relaxing was sitting there nonchalantly reading a magazine carrying on like she was ENJOYING hers.  People are wierd, I tell you.

I also learnt that my will power is crap.  Dry January was powering along until I got to Fiji,  but as soon as I sat down behind a cocktail menu I discovered I had a FIERCE thirst on me and ordered a Mai Tai, following the lead of the rest of the group (just call me a sheep - baaaaa).  Well, I discovered Mai Tais weren't for me, so ventured into unknown territory of the Mojito, then the Pina Colada and well, then someone cracked open a bottle of Veuve Cliquot and well the rest of the night was a bit hazy.  The next day I declared Dry January back on (easy enough at 9am) but upon wandering back to my room after conference day one via the Pool Bar and meeting up with other thirsty colleagues, my will power wavered and suddenly I found myself with a Fiji Gold in my hand.  I don't know how that happened.  This pattern continued throughout the holiday (conference, schmonference) with each morning being declared the resumption of Dry January and me calling it officially on hold by 4pm.  Needless to say, no running occurred during the entire 8 days of the trip and there was very little sleeping either. I am glad to say, however that I took the FIVE running outfits out of my bag replacing them with a more sensible two.

The day I flew into Sydney, I had an interview set up for a job I REALLY really am keen on.  In fact, it is the job I have been after for a number of years now.  And I really think I am ready for it now.  Timing is good.  So I had to get up early (4am) get to the airport, be delayed, fly for four hours, kill three hours in Sydney, then have my interview.  First mishap was someone making me laugh on the bus to the airport and me spluttering my cup of tea all over myself.  Bit of a wipe down and I was right.  Next, on the plane, I discovered my "nice" linen dress had literally fallen apart across the backside, in a kind of trendy ripped sort of a way that might be good for clubbing but certainly not for a professional interview.  Well, there was something to do in my three hours of hanging around Sydney - shopping.  Found the perfect dress, fixed up my makeup and got into my suitcase to find my hairspray only to find that my little bottle of toothpaste had exploded en route to cover EVERYTHING in little glittery minty squares and a sticky greeny blue mess.  Wiped off the can of hairspray (which was by now missing a cap) and sprayed the hairdo only to find my head covered in little glittery squares and a very strong aroma of mint.  By now, time was running out, and so that is how I turned up to the interview (but at least my bum wasn't hanging out of my dress like it had been on the airplane).

So - trip to Fiji a humiliating lesson in lack of willpower, but I will say I had the time of my life, but will also remember not to go below deck on a Fijian boat after a big night.  Wondering if I should just stay off the ankle until after Australia Day - DO NOT want to let my team mates down - and if I start to run again and hurt the ankle before Wednesdays race I will be very very upset.  In terms of how I feel about Wednesday - FREAKING TERRIFIED!  What possessed me to ask these beautiful but very accomplished people to be in a relay team with ME???  ME!!  Slowpoke of the century.  However this year is all about putting that aside and doing stuff DESPITE that.  So, 6hr relay race, here I come.  Farrkkkk!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

biking up hills...

is harder than it looks.  Farrk it is hilly around here.  Getting the hang of this bike is going to take  some time, but I guess these hills are the place to do it!  Thighs are literally BURNING and I only did 10km!!  And half of that was going WEEEEEEEEEEE FARRRRK DOWNHILL!!!!  Then HUFF PUFF FARRRK UPHILL!!  Was determined not to get off, more in case anyone I knew spotted me - who wheels a bike around for fun?  It's not like running where you can pretend to be out for a walk :) and I will admit to taking the long way home because the hill wasn't as steep.  But Jesus, Mary and Joseph my legs are still burning.  My garmin tells me it used up 381 calories.  My scales tell me I have put on half a kilo (from Tuesday).  My brain says IGNORE!  KEEP GOING! 
Am thinking about a lunchtime swim.....

Edit to add:  30 laps of Glenbrook Pool, flipperless.  Wierd goggle face after.  Feel GREAT!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kit-e-Kat milk - yum

Yesterday marked the last year of the teens for our offspring and so that was clearly celebrated  by a few too many UDLs last night by himself - and there was a weary looking individual loping around the house this morning.  He has an annoying habit of taking my nicely cooled water bottle out of the fridge and scoffing it.

He won't be doing that again.  I got a text mid morning asking "mum - what was in that drink bottle in the fridge, it tasted weird?"  to which I replied "the cat's kit-e-kat milk.  Oh and some Cat Lax."  His response "serious?".  Perhaps he'll get his own water bottle now. 

Of course, I can be smug about his hungover status, having not partaken in the drinking of the alcoholic beverage since 31 Dec 2010, being all year, or 13 days.  I am super happy with how it is going and how I am feeling.  Perhaps I expected more though.  I have two partners in crime who are 'dry Januarying" with me, and none have faltered, one even went to the CRICKET and didn't have a beer.  And she is Aussie.  She could have used a beer ...but lets not go there.

So - training.  Well the only word I can think of to describe it is "painstaking".  Every run I do is short, but hurts.  Sundays run was terrible.  Mondays run was bloody awful.  I came home so depressed and deeply aware that the things I want to do later this year are probably now out of my reach.  So I rested it on Tuesday - did nothing at all.  Wednesday I ran to PT session, which was a teeny bit better than Mondays.  Tonight I ran to the PT session and it was slow but not as painful in the achilles.  I thought we were getting somewhere.  PT session started with a game of tag.  Of course I get carried away and I'm sprinting and chasing someone and make a quick turn and ARRRGHHHH I freaking pulled something in it AGAIN.  Fuckity fuckity FARK.

Tomorrow I am working from home, which means I am damn well going to bike ride in the morning.  After all I will spend the next 8 days  (and nights) with my work colleagues in humid and flat Fiji.  I have enquired and we can hire bikes - yay!  And we can kayak and swim, and I guess if I rest the gummy leg for a day or two of no running, then running on the flat should be ok.  In fact, I have packed so much running gear, but as yet no frocks.  I don't really want to go to Fiji and I know that sounds ungrateful, but I find it hard enough to stick to diets and training schedules and not drinking, and keeping my house clean and my bills paid and my employers happy that I don't really cope all that well with being taken away from my little routine.  Plus I have to present shit.  Which I don't mind if it is interesting and I think my audience will find it useful, however I don't think they are going to be too excited by my job, I might just make stuff up, tell them I interviewed Keanu Reeves for the Rebates Clerk job or Angelina Jolie rang up wanting to know how to treat her cat for worms.   Honestly, one of the teams that report to me answers calls all day about worms in Llama's, how to apply our products after your sheep has had its testicles shaved (by the way, a sheeps penis is called a "Pizzle"), or how soon after your cat has an enema you can give it a laxative.  Surely to god there is some material there for an interesting presentation.  Anyway I am rambling on about nothing in particular here.

So, in summary - success on the non drinking front.  Small amount of weight loss, but certainly clothes looser (although still a long way to go) - sad and frustrated inside about my running, but refusing to let it get me down. Goddamn achilles.  You will not beat me!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Whoever said it was like riding a bike was smarter than me....

So - Day Eight!!  Day Eight!!  Can you totally believe that???  Me either.  Feeling good, positive, and days appear to have more productive hours in them.  Hmmm.

Anyway;. as planned, I made it to the Cool Running 5km Twilight Race last night.  I use the term "race" loosely for me, as I just gambolled around the path, smelling the smells, taking in the sights, saying hello to city folk who aren't used to such forward behaviour, and mostly scowled at me.  Have to say, the bay run smells a bit yucky.

Anyway, my achilles was very sore and tight, so I planned to go nice and slow.  When you've got sore bits, no matter what speed you are doing, it feels super slow, painful and frankly, quite unpleasant.  So I was glad when it was over, but glad to have done it too.  Caught up with so many familiar faces, and vowed to come to more of these runs, there is a great vibe and everyone is sooooo friendly and nice. 

The plan was to do the Cool Running West 5km challenge this morning, but as soon as that foot hit the floor I knew I would be foolish to run on it when it was so inflamed.  So I found some High Impact Interval Training websites and sort of followed what they were doing, although hopping over things was out of the question, so instead of the jumpy cardio stuff, I substituted vacuuming the floor, running downstairs to get the washing out of the machine, and generally did a couple of sets of weights, some floor work, AND I got all my housework done.  Ha!  So it wasn't so much High Impact, except to the cleanliness of my house.  I spent about three hours all up mopping, bicep curls, vacuuming, squats, you get the picture. Not sure if any studies have been done on the weight loss benefits of weilding a steam mop, but anyway...

This afternoon I still felt a bit unfulfilled and was contemplating a little run, then I caught myself on.  So I took the bike to the bike shop and asked the man to pump up my tyres.  Embarrassing thing number one.  I had planned to take my pump with me to show him that I couldn't get it to work, and see if he could work out why.  However I left the pump on the roof of the car, and of course lost it somewhere on the way.  One new pump later and I was on my way.

Now, it has been a while since I got on the bike, and I am a bit scundered to say that I rode for 10.5km thinking my gears were stuck, until I remembered that the moving the brake lever to the side actually changes the gears down to an easier gear.  So I did the first 10km in the biggest gear and was thinking after about like 20 metres how hard it was on the legs.  Der. 

Once I worked out how to use the gears, and managed to get them down into a sensible place, the ride was actually quite nice.  Now I don't know about you, but I don't like going round in circles for no reason, so whilst I started with a lap of the Lake at the Regatta Centre, I knew if I was to continue doing laps I would  bore myself senseless and wouldn't last for 10km never mind 30.   (30km was todays goal).  So I rode all around Penrith and around the river, and really really enjoyed it.  All up I did 37.5 kms and the best thing was that at the end my garmin said I had used 950 calories!!  950!!!  Excellent.  That will more than cover the tuna fish sandwich I had a craving for mid morning.

So when I got home - feeling all fit and healthy I got the lawn mower out and mowed the lawns.  So now I am officially "at rest" for the day - going to enjoy a nice shower and get ready for a birthday party tonight.  Not at all concerned that everyone will be drinking and I won't be.  I am feeling strong and positive, even bordering on "smug"!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day Six

Still on that wagon!!  My friends are totally disbelieving that I could go six days without a glass of wine, DOUBTING THOMAS'S THE LOT OF YOU!!!

So, the achilles is still a wee bit tender, but I did ice the living daylights out of it after last nights PT session, and then deep heated it, massaged the crap out of it, then put my compression bandage on and slept with it on.  Felt really good this morning (you can tell with your achilles, that first step out of bed, as soon as you put that foot down, you know). 

Wore heels all day so it wasn't sore at all, until I went to tonights PT session.  What were we doing?  Running up and down a hill.  Hopping on one foot!  Calf raises.  So I had to do my own version of things that were not going to aggravate it. I was unhappy that I couldn't put in 100% effort because of it, but still got the heart rate up and some of the stuff we were doing was hard and hurt but a good hurt - so I liked it.

So - it is still not capable of a decent run, so will go to the Twilight Cool Running 5km challenge and just have a slow 5km.  My physio still recommends movement on an achilles injury, to get the blood pumping through the area.

OH MY GOD  I just remembered.  I saw a man running through Blaxland with no shirt on.  And a mad six pack. I nearly crashed into a pole. 

Back to achilles.  My friend Craig reckons that nitroglicerin patches for vaginas (or was it angina) are good for achilles tendonitis as they get the blood flow happening down there (the achilles not the vagina) (god that is such an ugly but hugely comical word) so I will be asking Dr Norm what he thinks next time I see him down the Lappo. 

I have weighed myself every day this week and each day I get a little tiny bit lighter.  So that is good.

I am not really dieting because I want to see what happens just with exercise and no alcohol this week.  Next week I will start looking at what I eat at night, because I seem to get home ravenous and stuff whatever is available into my mouth without thinking.    I need to snack better at about 4pm so I am not ready to eat the steering wheel or the dog.

All in all, I suppose I am making the most of what I have got at the moment in terms of excercise. My home weights have come in very useful and I am doing something every day, even if there is not a lot of running at the moment.  Feeling very positive and happy though and looking forward to seeing what I can achieve this year.  

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And on the Fourth Day The Achilles Said - Never Smile at a Monkey

Iced it.

Massaged it.

Deep heated it.

Put "Mels Aunties Homeopathic Chux Wipes Infused with Eucalyptus and Claimed to Work Miracles" on it.

Put compression socks on it.

Put compression bandage on top. (Compression bandage kepts for emergencys when you get bitten by a snake in the bush but you keep it in your top drawer because you are an idiot and keep forgetting it)

Elevated it.

Spoke harshly to it.

At least if a large serpent makes its way up my stairs, through my closed door and up into bed, it will not be able to bite my lower limbs through the absolute stench of deep heat or the many layers of compression garments adorning my ankles.

All in all a very unsatisfactory start to Day 4. Not to mention having to go to work and get dressed properly again.

Despite obvious setback, spent a good hour this morning doing weights, 25 x 3 sets of all sorts of delightful moves. 

Can't remember what triggered achilles woes.  But my memory isn't that great so I remember having an out of body experience in the Glenbrook National Park on a very hot day and seeing imaginary icy poles floating in front of my eyes and I remember wearing flippers to the Glenbrook Pool and avidly undertaking 20 laps of aforesaid pool but it could have been somewhere in between those two things.  Note, I did not wear flippers TO the pool, I just put them on when I got there. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 2011. Going well.

So - three days into this new year - what's been happening?

Well, New Years Eve saw Monica and I set off at 7am for what I thought was going to be a 20km run in the National Park - Monica had other ideas - but we eventually settled on 26km.  So we started off the run feeling great (I had been very nervous about doing a long run as I had been feeling up and down with what felt like a virus, lots of sleeping, sore achy limbs and visits to the bathroom) but was definately feeling better on Friday morning.

I love the smell of the forest at that time of the morning, mixed in with the fresh smells of sunscreen and freshly washed running gear, I was having one of those "isn't this bloody marvellous, where else would you want to be on a morning like this?" moments.  Later I would find myself wishing to be anywhere else than in 37 degree heat, at the bottom of a big hill with headspins and an alarmingly clammy feeling about my head.  But we ran out to Nepean Lookout, felt good, it was only on the way back on the DOWNHILL bit that I started to feel odd.  My neck and head were sore, but I was a bit embarrassed to say anything.  We did some run / walk stuff up the hills but by the time we reached the 23km mark (and that wonderful downhill to the causeway) I actually had to stop otherwise I think I may have spewed.  So I got to the causeway and sat in the shade and was totally scundered to find myself saying yes to Monica's offer of going to get the car and come and get me.  Not sure if it was the heat or what but I felt like crap.  However was still happy to get a long run in.

NYE we had some visitors and watched the little documentary about Coast to Kosi.  I have absolutely no desire to run for two days solid (my 25km disaster still very fresh in my mind) but watching the movie really brought it home to me what it takes to do something like that (240 odd kilometres from sea level to the highest point in Australia).  Watching it with someone who has done it was funny.  They make it sound so easy.  Ah yes well there is this big hill and it is 7km long, but once you are up it, it is dead flat.  Yeah right. 

Still, watching it made me think I would like to be a better runner so that I could do something special - although clearly not on that scale.  Hence the new years resolution of running daily and not drinking.  Drinking is keeping me fat and being dehyrdated doesn't help my running.  So, it's gotta go.  Losing weight SHOULD help my running, after all, I will have less to carry around with me! 

So - trying to limit carbs at night and eat cleaner.  Last night I experimented with a recipe I made up, and I have to say, I was very pleased with the result - as was the rest of the family.  Here's my Turkey Balls recipe for anyone who is interested:

Turkey Mince (500g)
A quarter of a cabbage, finely chopped
A carrot, grated
1 squirt of lemongrass out of the squeezy tubes you get in the salad section of the supermarket
1 squirt of ginger from same squeezy tube (except it says ginger on it)
1 tbs of fish sauce.  Go easy on this, otherwise it will be DISGUSTING!
1 dash of sesame oil
1 tsp of brown sugar

Mix it all up in a bowl and make into balls.  Oven bake for about 40 mins.  Eat with HP sauce and a salad - YUM!!!  The contrast of the sour fish sauce and sweet brown sugar is fab, and the cabbage makes it look and feel like a dim sim.  I froze them in individual freezer bags for a high protein low carb snack that is quick to access in an emergency!

Yesterday, apart from being a domestic goddess, I also swam 20 laps of Glenbrook Pool and did a 10km run down and up Mitchells Pass.  Before bed I did some weights, although I get nervous about smashing my legs with lunges before a run I've never done, so took it easy.  But all in all - a good start.

Today I did about 8.5km following a group of very nice but much faster runners.  This was good for a number of reasons.  I am rather sensitive about my running and lack of speed and this is one thing I need to overcome.  No point stressing about it, it's never going to change.  However, facing my fear of looking like an eejit is something I need to do, in order to move forward.  This morning I woke up, turned off the alarm and looked for a million reasons or excuses why I could not run with these people.  But I did turn up and I really loved the run, and I didn't even feel silly for being slowest, in fact I had a really nice time and had a big belly laugh when I found sticks in the shape of an arrow, pointing me in the right direction because I was so far behind.  I knew it was only a short loop and even if I got "lost" I would be safe as I know the general area.  Definately a good little run to add to my training schedule (though would be concerned about the serpent factor on a hot day).  Anyway - todays run was a step forward in me ditching the negative thoughts I often have about my running, so that was good.

Later I think I will head down to Regatta for a ride - but only if I can get my tyres blown up!  It is a knack I have yet to learn, and the last time I took the trusty steed out for a ride, I think I used up more calories trying to get the tyres up than the actual ride itself.

Tomorrow back to work, but will run before work - fuzzy feel good endorphins required to get back into the daily grind.

Wed and Thurs are Personal Training days, and I will run to and from the sessions, Friday night is the Twilight Series (10km Yab Nur with Cool Running) and Saturday morning is the CR West 5km Challenge, so there is all good stuff to keep me interested and motivated this week.  The plan is to commit to as many social runs as possible so that I don't skip sessions, and to plan the week ahead, write it here, then stick to it - my blog holding me accountable, sort of!  If I say it - I have to do it!!! 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions

This is a photo of me reaching for the icecubes. The icecubes to go in a glass of gin. A glass of gin that I wasn't supposed to be having, having sworn that I would only drink the low alcohol champagne on New Years Eve, and would not awake on New Years Day feeling dusty.

However, my challenge to myself for January 2011 is this:

1. Run Every Day
2. Drink no alcohol - at all. None. Not a skerrick.
3. Increase the long runs each week gradually. None of this destroying myself by throwing in random long runs.

2011 - I have plans for you.
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