Saturday, July 23, 2011

Long run and the benefits of pineapple juice.

So - Ferris Mewler is the Fabio of Cats.  Now that we have that sorted out....TRAINING!!!

Felt ho hum most of the week - I now know why and I AM NOT AMUSED!!!  I AM TOO FREAKING YOUNG FOR THIS SHIT!!!

Anyway - had a good early night and an even better lie in (all up about 13 hours of blissful dreaming and involuntary leg movement) but woke up feeling like a human being again.
Which is good, because it kinda helps fit in with the rest of the human beings mulling around our house.  You never know who you are going to walk into in your jammies.  Yesterday it was the carpet measuring up man and this morning it as Curts girlfriend.  So much for the mystique of "before I put my face on"....

Anyway - loaded up on berries and porridge and a whole VAT of coffee, I set off in search of a flat run.  The idea was to test out a long road run.  All my long runs for the last seven hundred years have been on the trails, so I wanted to see how a road run would make my body feel, both whilst it was happening, and afterwards.  Surprisingly good, is how I would answer.  I actually really enjoyed it.  I did have plenty of guff to occupy my mind and I left the Control Freak in me behind and allowed the iPod to shuffle, which was good.  I did three laps of the river run, which gave me just a smidgen under 20km and whilst the time was not earth shattering, a wee bit of focussed training should help that.  Of note though, the achilles behaved.  I took the time to stretch out afterwards and included a recovery lap of Woolworths afterwards to get the weekly shopping, rather than going home to sit with my foot in a bucket.  I think it worked well, feeling really good right now.  I got Monicas roller thing out and rolled any surface that felt in any way dodgy - including the fronts of my thighs, back of my calves, inside thighs - much like a mini massage.  So there is no reason I cannot start entering races again - been a long time and maybe I am getting ahead of myself but I am EXCITED!!!

And it is nice to have something to train for!

In further adventures of juicing - I experimented today with carrots, celery and pineapple.  TO DIE FOR!!  Yum yum yum.  And juiced pineapple goes all frothy.  If it wasn't the middle of the day I would have been tempted to add a bit of Malibu.   Then I was making a Korma and so added all the spat out bits of carrot and celery and pineapple to the Korma.  It tastes - different.  Curtis commented that it would taste better tomorrow.  I just don't like wasting stuff.  Especially good healthy stuff.  I suppose it has a sweetness that is unusual but once all the spices infuse, it will be yummy and much much healthier than bog standard Korma.  I am tellling myself this.  My drive to get more veggies into my gob than ever before has been going really well and I am wondering if the almost fake tan effect is actually from excess beetroot and carrot and tomatoes......

And here is a very interesting article.  I think, if I understood it all.....

1 comment:

  1. We managed to give Gadfairy a fake tan when she was a baby - from too much mashed sweet potato! She loved it and had it daily..until we noticed her feet turning orange. I suspect you may have the 'natural' fake tan!
