Saturday, November 27, 2010

High heels solve everything

Well sore hips anyway.  Today was the Glenbrook Marathon, which I DID NOT enter, but I was toying with the ideea of the 34km, until I had a massive whack over the head from the reality stick, and decided to do the 25km.  Which is precisely 11km more than last weeks run and much much much more than the required 10% increase in your long run that you are meant to do.  And I haven't done any "long" running since my adventures in the winter with Six Foot Track and King of the Mountain.  So it is fair to say I suffered a bit today.  After 20km my everything hurt, but mostly my calves did this funny little cramping up thing that they have never done before, which reminded me I should really train more. 

Anyway, sitting on the grass afterwards it was funny to see the calves still cramping and my legs moving around of their own accord almost like there was a creature under my skin.  Hips bloody sore too.  So came home, had a shower and put my high heels on and walked about a bit, and hey presto, pressure off the hips.  Try that at home boys.

However, the run was beautiful, with lots of different types of running, if you can set apart the fact that there were lots of hills.  So there were single track hills, wide fire trail hills, hills beside a river, hills with grass, and hills with sand and then there were even some hills with pebbles.  Yes, it was a little bit hilly, but very pretty, lots of fun and I got to run with an old friend and a new friend, which was just heavenly, and so there was no iPod required.

It was a very hot day so now my cheeks are pink and I am running about with that smug glow you get after a run, no matter how you went. 


  1. Glad you enjoyed the run, hope my gnomes behaved themselves at the aid stations. Seems to have been a positive experience for 99% of runners. Next stop narrow neck night run

  2. Sorry I missed the run yesterday. We enjoyed a little holiday up the north coast and didn't get home until last night. Hope to see you
