Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions

This is a photo of me reaching for the icecubes. The icecubes to go in a glass of gin. A glass of gin that I wasn't supposed to be having, having sworn that I would only drink the low alcohol champagne on New Years Eve, and would not awake on New Years Day feeling dusty.

However, my challenge to myself for January 2011 is this:

1. Run Every Day
2. Drink no alcohol - at all. None. Not a skerrick.
3. Increase the long runs each week gradually. None of this destroying myself by throwing in random long runs.

2011 - I have plans for you.
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  1. ..... #2 you know there are 365 days in a year.
    Hope to see more of you in 2011. xxx

  2. #2.
    No stop!!!

    Get the sticky tape out!!!

    My sides are splitting!!!

    I'd better not invite you here in January then.

