Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Boot Camp Fail

Back from holidays today.  The idea was to treat it as a mini boot camp with lots of activities (and resulting increased fitness, and of course, the ever sought after weight loss).  But this is me we are talking about and of course that didn't really happen.  I did run three days out of the holiday, and managed a couple of bike rides, but I also did an inordinate amount of lying around reading and generally contemplating my navel.  Which, as we know, is not the fat blasting workout of the serious athlete.  And whilst I ate healthily (except for that fresh cream laden Irish Coffee) I came home thinking there was a bit of a wasted opportunity.  Anyway, off to Glenbrook Pool this afternoon for a "work out some frustration" 1.5km swim.   Came home to find the boys had purchased a new concoction - this thing looked for all intents and purposes like pizza (it was round, in a box and had stuff on the top) but upon closer inspection, the stuff on the top was kebab meat.  Urrrrghhhh!  Isn't that why kebabs are all wrapped up, so you don't have to SEE the meat?  Blerrrgh! 

So I have now realised I have five more days off until I go back to work.  This is indeed good news and means I can commence boot camp properly.  There, I said it, so I have to do it.  And also (insert loud drumroll here) - I am going to attempt Dry January again, after last years rip snorter of a success. Yes, January has 31 days and yes I managed to go 16 of them without drinking, and yes it was all easy and I was feeling very smug until faced with the cocktail menu on a tropical island in the pacific ocean.  No likelihood of my current role taking me to a tropical island with endless free cocktails, so now is as good a time as any to start.  And yes I know December hasn't finished yet, but as far as I am concerned it has.  Lets get on with this new year business and forget 2011.

Which reminds me.  I got a "present" in the mail today, and I am not quite sure what to do with it.  My mum has sent me a cd (or perhaps it is a dvd) of dads funeral.  I was a bit shocked when I opened it.  I am not sure if it is a listening thing, or a watching thing.  Given that everyone uses iPods these days, not only would I recommend funeral parlours doing a handy podcast, but I just can't think of where all the cd players in the house have gone.  Into that black vortex of Curtis' bedroom, never to be seen again.  So I have an image in my head of me flying around in my little car, roof down, listening to..... a funeral service.  I dunno, but the idea of it just makes me want to giggle and then be very cross at myself for being so politically incorrect.


  1. Fred, so glad to find you back blogging (I'm a bit slow on the uptake......well, been busy at least). So sorry to hear about your Dad, and hope that you are OK...and get to listen/watch your 'present' from your Mum. Sounds like a rest on the beach was just what you needed....boot camp can wait a little if need be. Sending you loads of 'good 2012' wishes as 2011 has been pretty crap, and must catch up with you at a run somewhere soon........ Wishing you were doing Narrabeen.... Take care, rest up and relax!

  2. Hey Cathie, wish I was up for Narrabeen.....good luck and most of all, enjoy. Looking forward to hearing about it xxx
