Saturday, July 17, 2010

What's Got Into Me?

This has been one CRAZY week.  I have been making decisions left, right and centre, and actually acting on them, executing them and moving on to the next one.

The non drinking is going well.  Hell, I went to an Irish 21st Birthday Party last night, with 100 other drunk Irish people and me - sober. 

I quit my job on Thursday - with no other job to go to and didn't go home and get stuck into the wine.  I went to the pub with John for dinner and had two glasses of water. 

I got offered a new job on Friday and didn't pronounce it a good excuse for a celebration (involving wine).

So I think I am doing ok.

I ran today for the first time since last Sundays disaster run.  The first 5km was fine and fast, but I got tired very quickly - probably still a little tired from the virus - and so had a nice leisurely walk.  Why is it always when you are dressed in your running gear with garmin and everything that you meet people you know (like my physio) AND YOU ARE WALKING!!!???  Anyway clocked up about 12km, with a few short walk breaks in the middle somewhere.  My knee, my blister and my hip are all still sore.  Next week is M7.  I don't think I am going to be real happy with the result, but still 21km is 21km and a shit load of calories used up.  I have also lost 2kg this week, by eating clean and no drinking.  And probably a dollop of stress too.

And I lost my beloved hairpiece on todays run.  One minute it was there, next minute there was my stump clearly exposed in my shadow.  (Stump is the very miniscule pony tail I can now sport due to bringing the bob back).  So - as one of my friends pointed out, some local animal may now be either wearing it or making love to it. 


  1. That's will power to stay off the grog with such a roller coaster of a week. Yah for you, new job, 2kg lighter.

    I'll see you at the M7, I've got myself a running budding and with be doing the relay too. We can have a glass of water to celebrate at the end. xxx

  2. Brave stuff Freddo! Good on you!

  3. Good stuff my friend I've always said you're a determined-minded thing!
