Monday, May 16, 2011

Biosolids - putting me firmly off "out of the punnet" nibbling....

A mixture of a hangover, a gently nagging hip, a loudly complaining soleus and sub zero temps made this mornings run rather unpleasant, but even a totally crap run is better than no run at all and I arrived home with very pink cheeks, a runny nose and the radiant feeling that I might have made some kind of dent on last nights excess, not that I can remember much after the second bottle of red was produced from a bag under the table.  I do recall someone asking me to order a medium pizza rather than a small so we could share, and then quietly snorfing the lot of my own before anyone even got a chance to sample it.  Tonight Curtis advised me that upon returning home I proceeded to finish off his not very secret stash of mint chocolate and I found a half finished glass of whatever good intentions I had at the weekend of eating clean and excercising and generally utilising more calories than I injested was an abject failure.  All that fecking porridge and brown rice was a total waste of time.

So - where are we this week?  Starting the week feeling the usual guilt at overindulging at the weekend and declaring the week to be DRY (again) and fruit, veggies and protein (and of course fecking porridge) to be the only thing to pass my lips. 

I might have to re-connect with my beetroot fixation, or at least find a veggie juice that isn't such a bright colour that could harbour clot like substances in it murky midst.  And all that guff in the papers about biosolids really put me off eating my Romatherapy Tomatoes straight out of the punnet.....

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