Monday, August 29, 2011


What we take for granted, others really struggle for. 

I am very grateful to be able to run.  Tonight it didn't matter that I am a slow runner or that I am crap at everything sporty.

Tonight I took a friend out who is massively overweight and I saw first hand how difficult it can be when you are 120kg and I look back to the days when I was carrying another version of myself.  In fact, the day she got married, I was 105kg and remember not being able to find a dress to fit me and having to make one and getting all hot and bothered because I couldn't get it right and I still looked like an elephant.

And she was beautiful and slender and getting married and I felt like a big fat moo.  Tonight she committed to getting back in shape almost twenty years later, and she struggled with a two and half km walk.  And tonight I thanked God that I discovered running and fitness and oatmeal and vegetables and protein shakes and obsessing over crap times and knowing what an achilles tendon is and where your ITB lives and how many kilometres are in a marathon and just running in general.  And it is kinda fun sharing all that and hoping against hope that she gets it and loves it and embraces it. 

Fingers crossed.

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