Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Holy bedclothes batman!

Holy bedclothes batman, what was that? Been in bed for what seems like an ETERNITY and is most of 2012, but given there have only been three or four days of 2012, this is not as dramatic as it sounds...!

The nasty, nasty, nasty virus knocked me flat on my back for a few days, but hurrah for fabularse doctors and drugs that would skin a badger, should you immerse a badger in them. In fact, I have absolutely no knowledge of the drugs' badger skinning powers, but if it kills a little parasite that creates a little pod to live in so that things can't kill it, sort of, teenage mutuant ninja turtle style, then it must be strong.

   Anyway, still tired and dopey (what's new?) (here I am looking tired and dopey) but certainly feeling a million times better than the last few days - phew! Everyone here has had a great time making poo jokes at my expense and generally taking the mickey. 

So, might even get back to work tomorrow, depending on how I wake up. Hence, I declare 2012 officially OPEN!!  Let's go!
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  1. Hi Fred, Oh no, it doesn't sound like much fun....hope that you are feeling better. Sounds like you are up and moving though and getting through boot camp - quite the opposite of me at the moment. I'm in 'stocking up energy ' phase......and trying not to stock up on any more food! Take it easy, xx

  2. Cathy!!! It's this weekend isn't it? Best of luck!! PLEASE let me know how you go. xxxx
